Untouchability is a grave crime against humanity !

nepal dalit information resources
(in English and Nepali languages)

Welcome to an international information network dedicated to
the oppressed (Dalit) people of


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The Himalayan country Nepal has about 20% of her 27 million population still suffering from age-old socio-economic and political oppressions due to discrimination based on hierarchical Hindu caste system. The forms of these oppressions are manifold; "untouchability" is the most outrageous one, which is a grave crime against humanity. It is only recently that hardships and atrocities meted out to Dalits in the country have started to surface out. Due to the struggle put forward by Dalit movement of Nepal more effetively from the beginning the 21st century, a little attention has been apparently paid to the contemporary issues of Dalits. However, Dalits, as they still are excluded from the socio-economic and political mainstream in the country, are an entity very little known to the outside world.

This website aims to bring out the ground realities, contemporary issues and relevant information serving as a resource database relating to Nepalese Dalits in efforts of contributing to three steps in the path of their upliftment, "education, organization and struggle" as laid down by Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar.

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"Dalit Nigarani", a Dalit Watch magazine keeping close watch from Dalits' Perspectives on what goes into making of a new constitution of Nepal.


Katwal Radio Magazine

You can listen and download Katwal Radio Partika, a weekly radio magazine from Jagaran Media Center at: Katwal Radio Magazine.
This radio program raises the issues of Dalits for New Nepal. The program is prepared and uploaded on weekly basis.

For further information, please contact:
Biru Nepali
Producer-Katwal Radio Patrika
Jagaran Media Center

e-mail: biru.palpali@gmail.com
mobile no.9841-595008
Website: www.jagaranmedia.org.np
Keywords: katwal jagaran dalit nepal



Nepali Dalits represented in the 6th US Congressional Hearing

On Thursday, October 6, 2005, a delegation of NASO Community led by its President Dharam Bishwokarma, with its members Bishnu Pariyar, Sharda Khati, Sitaram (Chandra) Bishwakarma and Prakash Nepal represented Nepali Dalits to the 6th US Congressional Hearing on Caste and Untouchability. >>>More on this story.




Geneva, August 11, 2005: Caste discrimination is a root cause and an insidious consequence of the civil war in Nepal, the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice, New York University School of Law charged in a new report released today. The conflict will remain unresolved without a sustained commitment to ending caste-based abuses.

The 65-page report, titled %u201CThe Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Caste Discrimination and the Conflict in Nepal,%u201D exposes the as yet undocumented impact of the civil war on Nepal%u2019s most vulnerable citizens: Dalits or so-called untouchables. The report was released in Geneva today during the two-week meeting of the U.N. Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights.




Dalit Empowerment & Inclusion Project
A Powerpoint briefing presentation on the strategies of a British Aid Project funded by Department of International Development (DFID).

International Consultation on Caste-Based Discrimination - Establishing Dalit Rights in the Contemporary World:
the Role of Governments, the United Nations and the Private Sector

November 29 %u2013 December 1, 2004, Kathmandu, Nepal

The Kathmandu Dalit Declaration was released on conclusion of International Consultation on Caste Based Discrimination
jointly organized in Kathmandu by the International Dalit Solidarity Network (IDSN) and Dalit NGO Federation (DNF, an apex body of 175 Dalit NGOs of Nepal).

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Executive Summary of INTERNATIONAL CONSULTATION on Caste-Based Discrimination:
Establishing Dalit Rights in the Contemporary World; the Role of Governments, the United Nations and the Private Sector

November 29 %u2013
December 1, 2004, Kathmandu, Nepal.
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Situational Analysis of Dalits in Nepal
An in-depth analysis report
on the current situation, as a part of National Dalit Strategy Report prepared for National Planning Commission, The HM's Government, Kathmandu, Nepal by
Dilli Ram Dahal, Yogendra Bahadur Gurung, Bidhan Acharya, Kamala Hemchuri & Dharma Swarnakar (2002).
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  • Call for articles:- Articles, which provide new information or are important for documentary archives, relating to any issue relevant to Dalits of Nepal are welcome for posting in appropriate sections of this website. Copyrights will be strictly followed. Therefore, the person submitting any article must have authority to do so.


Inter-caste marriage, a way to go:

Bride Laxmi Achhami [Sarki] and Groom Madan Khatri during their wedding
[Photo: Narendra/DWO, Info Source: Dinesh Kumar Pariyar/ DWO]



To join the nepaldalitinfo group powered by groups.yahoo.com or for any relevant information,
Contact the Web-Coordinator at: nepaldalitinfo@yahoo.com

This website is run by an international network of dedicated Dalit intellectuals of Nepal in cooperation with friends of Dalits.
The views or facts expressed in this website may not necessarily be owned or verified by the Web-Coordinator or all members of nepaldalitinfo network.
