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* Utpidan Phyakne Pathyakram, Pathyapustak Ra Shikshashaili (Curriculum, Textbooks and Education Style for Elimination of Oppression) by Dr. Bidhya Nath Koirala. Published in “Oppressed Students’ Voice” magazine (Year 9, Issue 3, page: 8-10, Baishakh 2059- May 2002) [This requires Acrobat Reader]
In this article (in Nepali), the author examines the current school education in Nepal as to how teachers and school children (both privileged and oppressed) behave towards the oppression rampant in the society. He analyses the scenario against Murray Print’s six conceptions (namely, academic rationalist, cognitive processes, humanistic, social reconstructive, technological and elastic conceptions) in the context of formulating curriculum materials that supports elimination of oppression based on caste discrimination. However, he sees that there is no single linear way towards this end. One can draw the conclusion from his analysis that there is a clear need for revamping the current curriculum, textbooks and education system as a whole for eliminating the social malady that is taken for granted in the society.

