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Kantipur FM interviews nepaldalitinfo
network coordinator
Kantipur FM Radio aired an interview with Dr. Drona Rasali (who is coordinating the international network of nepaldalitinfo) live through a long distance call on April 23, 2005 Saturday at 8:15 PM (Kathmandu local time) for about 15 minutes within the
Dalit Welfare Organisation (DWO)'s Radio program, “The Voice of Dignity” produced by Dinesh Pariyar, and anchored by Rupesh Silwal and Pradip Pariyar. This link features the salient features of the issues around which the discussion went on the air.
This website run by an international network of dedicated Dalit
intellectuals and friends of Dalits of Nepal around the world, proudly celebrates its 5,000th hit in the web today (on April 21, 2005).
The website
"nepal dalit information resources"
is now linked by the following websites of agencies including world renowned Universities of the USA:
University of California-Berkley Libraries
University of Wisconsin-Madison. Libraries
Cornell Univerisity’s Laurie Vasily’s page
International Dalit Solidarity Network
International Nepal Solidarity Network
Peoples’ Democracy Forum Nepal
Empower Dalit Women of Nepal- EDWoN
Feministic Dalit Organisation (FEDO)’s Japanese Site
Vision for a path of Dalit movement in the context of Nepal: Dissection of the nepaldalitinfo logo.
The website is now readily searchable through major search engines such as google and
yahoo. The key words "nepal" and "dalit" together are
sufficient to hit the website as No. 1.
For viewing the wesbsite visitors' comments, please click here-> >>Guestbook
The nepaldalitinfo e-discussion forum is now set up with Yahoo! Groups at . Interested and qualified persons can contact the web-coordinator by email for further information.