Participatory Democracy and the Problems of Exclusion- A Dalit Perspective
A Paper by Hira Vishwakarma, prepared for National Centre for Contemporary Study (NCCS) led by Nepal's political scientists including Prof. Lokraj Baral and Krishna Hachhethun.
Dalits in Nepal: Politically Manufactured Karma The facts on the ground-
An article by Suresh Singh, published in "Insight" online magazine of JNU, New Delhi, India.
Schools for Dalits [Please click here]
An editorial in The Kathmandu Post (June 3, 2005) analysing the need for a special focus on Dalit children's education.
ALRC statement on 'Diabolical torture of women and zero rule of law in Nepal' received by Commission on Human Rights [It requires Acrobat Reader, 4.0 or later version]
At the Sixty-first Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, the Asian Legal Rresource Centre (ALRC) described how Dalit women - so-called 'untouchables' - in Nepal have faced centuries of deep-rooted discrimination and violence (E/CN.4/2004/NGO/50).
Frameworks of the Rural community in the hills of Western Nepal- A study of the Kami Jat in Syangja District. [Please click here to download the MSWord document]
A discussion paper on Jat (caste) framework existing in a village area of Syangja district in the western hills of Nepal. The article is written by Suresh Singh Gahadraj, who invites comments/criticisms/views on this paper to come to a consensus on the issues discussed in the paper. The discussion can be posted by nepaldalitinfo Yahoo! Group members at: nepaldalitinfo@yahoogroups.com. Non-members can send an email to: info@nepaldalitinfo.20m.com.
Mainstreaming Dalit rights [Please click here]
An analytical article by Hira Bishwakarma, as published in "The Kathmandu Post" on January 15, 2005.
The violence during the Bharatpur temple incident highlights the tenuousness of Dalit rights.
A historiographic account of castes (Jats) and subcastes (Thars) in Nepal, researched and written by Suresh Singh.->>>[The full text of the paper]This paper attempts to make a re-presentation of evolution and construction of Jat and Thar system among the Parbatya or hill people of Nepal. It seeks to expose the reality behind the myth that the large number of Aryans migrated from Indian plains due to Muslim invasion and conquered to become the rulers in Nepal, and the Mongoloids were the indigenous people. It also seeks to show the construction and reconstruction of identity of the different castes (Jats) and subcastes (Thars).
An International Seminar Paper Presented on Role of Dalits in State Governance-
Man Bahadur Bishwakarma, a Dalit intellectual and an activist in Dalit movement of Nepal presented a seminar at the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands towards the end of his short-term sabbatical attachment to the Institute for the past few months. His paper entitled, “The Representation of Deprived People in State Governance in Nepal" [The full text of the paper] explored the status of Dalit people in the state governance of Nepal, examined the factors inhibiting participation of Dalits in the governance and also made short to long term recommendations for enhancing Dalits’ role in the state affairs. His paper is expected to generate thoughtful provocation among all agencies, institutions and individuals having a concern for Dalits in Nepal.
Proceedings/Reports of National Seminar on Raising Dalit Participation in Governance:
This link leads to the site where the proceedings/ reports of National Seminar on Raising Dalit Participation in Governance, organised by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) Nepal and Centre for Economic and Technical Studies (CETS)
on 3-4 May 2004, Lalitpur, Nepal can be found.
Violence against Dalit Women In Nepal by Padmalal Bishwakarma
The article can now be seen at this page: http://www.countercurrents.org/gender-padmalal210504.htm
Original source of this article: <A review article from The Telegraph, Kathmandu (19 May 2004) by Padmalal Bishwakarma, Gender Activist
International aid and Dalits: <An editorial review article from The Kathmandu Post (Hira Vishwakarma)
Everyone Counts: Dalit Children and the Right to Education in Nepal < This report describes some Save the Children US programs in Siraha District of Nepal, and their effectiveness in improving educational opportunities and success for children in excluded Dalit caste groups. For downloading the original version of this report, CLICK HERE.
Globalisation and Dalits of Nepal<An editorial review article from the Kathmandu Post, Jan. 21, 2004.>
An Analytical Article (Nepali) <Bibhedit Ra Bibhajit Dalit Andolan [Discriminatory and Divided Dalit Movements] by Hira Bishwokarma>.
Human Rights Watch Organization's Backgrounder Report: <Discrimination against Dalits in Nepal.
An Analytical Article (English) <Combating Violence against Dalit Women of the Terai
Conference Abstract (English): <Hierarchy and its Discontents: Adult Education for Social Change within a Nepali Dalit Community.
Analytical Views (Nepali): <Sarakar-Maobadi Barta Ra Sawal Dalitharuko.
A Letter to the Editor (English): <Of Royalty and Casteism.>
A Report (English): <Dalits in Nepal>.
A Report (English): <Dalit Women in Nepal>.
A Research Impact Study Report (English): <Low Technology Adoption Rate in Occupational Caste Group>
A Contextual Article (Nepali): <Dugdha Sahakari Ra Jatiya Bhedbhav>
Review Article (Nepali):<Dalit Mahila Ra Bikash>
Review Article (English):<The Pain of Fifth Varna and Foot-Step for Struggle>
Review Article (English): <Dalit Women in Socio-Economic Context>