Focus News (2006):
* Nation-wide Campaign for Cooperative Feasts Launched
“When the labour, skills and blood of Dalits are useful with no barriers to touch, why is the water from them of no use and untouchable?” This is the question that the Central Committee of Nepal Rastriya Dalit Mukti Sangathan, a national level Dalit organization is raising while steering a campaign for organizing a “cooperative feast” with the participation of people from all castes. The organizer of the campaign Rarendra Baraily, who is also the President of the organization has said, “The purpose of this campaign is to eradicate the practice of untouchability deep rooted in the society, despite the fact that the evil practice has been abolished by New Mulukin Ain (New Civil Penal Code) of Nepal.
“Following launching of the nation-wide campaign, as series of “cooperative feasts” have been organized in various parts of Chitwan, Makawanpur and Dang Districts so far. Read more in this story in the box below in Nepali text.
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b]zJofkL ;xef]h sfo{qmdx? ;DkGg ePsf 5g\ .
g]kfnsf] blnt cfGbf]ngdf j}rfl/s / qmflGtsf/L blnt ;+u7gsf] ?kdf :yflkt
g]kfn /fli6«o blnt d'lQm ;+u7gsf] cfJxfgdf clw/fHod} klxnf] k6s gf}nf] k|sf/sf]
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sfo{qmdx?df hf]8 lbO{of] .
Tribute to Human Rights
Defender Dayaram Pariyar
Dalit communities of Nepal mourn with grief of the tragic death of Human Rights
Defender Dayaram Pariyar, who
was killed by the Nepal Police men when they fired indiscriminately in Janakpur last Friday evening the March 24th, and also deplore the heavy handedness and lawlessness of the police under the current autocratic regime. As reported by Dilip
Kumar Nepali from
Paying tribute to Pariyar,
Moderator of the nepaldalitinfo
Moderator Laurie Vasily said, “This is
terribly sad news, please pass along more detailed information when it's
possible and let Mr. Pariyar’s family know that
people all over the world are mourning his death.”, while the network Founder
Dr. DP Rasali also expressed deep sense of his sympathy
to the bereaved family.
The current autocratic regime is fully
responsible for the killing Human Rights Activist Pariyar,
who was killed when he was on his duty from National Human Rights Commission
(NHRC) serving people and defending their rights. The nepaldalitinfo
network urges all national and international communities to declare him a
martyr of the Himalayan nation.
(Photo: Bikash Karki) reports: Human rights activists and relatives of late Pariyar paid their last tributes to Pariyar
at the NHRC premises, Lalitpur on Tuesday.
World Social Forum (WSF)
2006 held in
Dalit Movement of
>>> More on
this story
International Commission for Dalit
Rights (ICDR) Formed
Commission announced on the eve of 43rd International
Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
“We remember the 1960 massacre of 69 civilians from
The release further says, “There is an urgent need for this
movement to promote justice and dignity for the world’s poorest and most
victimized Dalits at international level, focusing on caste or descent based
discriminations. ICDR advocates the formulation of affirmative action policies
and the implementation of international laws, principles and programs aimed at
eliminating caste or work and descent-based discrimination, poverty and works
as a monitoring watchdog, both at the national and international levels.”
“Social exclusion, extreme poverty and conflict are closely
associated with caste discrimination in
The ICDR, in all its sincerity, appeals to the international
community, Dalit/human rights defenders, Dalit Solidarity Networks, Dalits and pro-Dalit national and international institutions, media,
academics and other similar institutions/forums to join hands to integrate the Dalit Rights movement with the global human rights and
social justice movements.
the Commission affirming the fact that the struggle against injustice and casteism is not yet won, calls for all concerned to start
working collectively with mutual understanding and respect at all levels.
by ICDR/ nepaldalitinfo special correspondent]
“Fighting everyday racism”, UN theme for International Day for
the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
“Fighting racism and discrimination should not be seen as a
campaign of charity but one of social justice that is needed for the economic
and social progress of Nepal,” said UN Resident Coordinator, Matthew Kahane. “Discriminating any group of people ignores a
critical mass of human potential and closes doors to development.”
Racism in
Caste-based discrimination has been recognized as a critical
problem worldwide, with particular impact in
In villages, towns and cities, in the mountains and in the Terai, there are large numbers of Nepalese who suffer daily
racial discrimination. The effect is devastating: loss of opportunities for
education, health services, work and earning livelihoods, and access to
community resources such as land and water.
Schools can be a place, which facilitate positive awareness,
interaction and exchange of cultural differences as a way to oppose
discrimination. Learning environments free from racial discrimination can
nurture equality and the sense of social solidarity.
In the workplace, treating colleagues with respect and dignity and
providing all with opportunities to perform and improve is the absolute minimum
to be expected.
“Today, is a day for all of us to stop and think about what we
could do to help eliminate racial discrimination in our communities: in the
schools, the workplaces, in the village and towns. Small actions may trigger
big changes,” said Kahane. Source:
* Dalit
woman activist Gajmer named Member Secretary of National Women Commission
Ambika Gajmer, a Dalit woman activist has been named as Member Secretary of National Women Commission in Nepal with other five members of the Commission including Bandana Rana as its Chair. Ms. Gajmer is central general secretary of Feminist Dalit Organization, treasurer of Dalit NGO federation and central member of NGO federation. She has a record of more than a decade of dedicated social work for the emancipation of women in general and Dalit women in particular.
The nomination of a Dalit woman leader in the high position of Member Secretary of the Commission is definitely an achievement for Dalit movement in Nepal; it can be viewed as a result of continued pressure from Nepalese Dalit movement, international community, rights organizations, press and civil society for inclusive governance. However, some quarters within Dalit intellectual circle have viewed her appointment under the current autocratic direct monarchial rule in the country as ploy to sway Dalit leaderships away from the current movement for restoration of democracy in the country.
The National Womean Commission was institutionalized in Nepal during the tenure of democratically elected Prime Minister Ser Bahadur Deuba, before he was dismissed by King Gyanendra.
Editorial in The Kathmandu Post
Peril of Dalits
"There can be no practice
uglier than the caste system, one that continues to oppress a huge chunk of
country has retained the centuries-old caste system due to weak legislative
provisions that discriminate Dalits in every sphere of life, including religious
practices and access to land and education. The other day, a mass of high
caste-locals severely beat four Dalits and verbally abused media persons,
rights activists and a former parliamentarian who had gone to conduct a
on-the-spot probe after the Dalits were denied access to a local well in the
capital. Victim Nani Maya Nepali, who was denied access to the well, had lodged
a complaint at a local NGO. Although the NGO took the case to the Lalitpur
Police Office, the media persons, rights activists and a former parliamentarian
had to intervene into the matter to let the Dalits have access to the well at
Bungamati. Now, two agreements signed in the presence of deputy superintendent
of police allow Dalits to use the local well. However, such agreements will
never put an end to the age-old caste practices permanently.
On paper,
legal protections for Dalit community are strong. Under the Civil Liberty Act
of 1954, unequal treatment of Dalits by the government is prohibited. Section
01A of the Civil Code also prohibits some forms of discrimination against
Dalits but it excludes religious places. In August 2001, the Bill to Uplift and
Protect Dalits was introduced in the Parliament and the National Dalits
Commission was created. Unfortunately, five years down the line, the
legislation has gathered enough dust. This legislation, which would have
protected Dalits from abuse by the upper caste, may not see itself enacted
since the government has failed to enforce the existing legislation, including
basic provisions of criminal laws. Still, Dalits are denied from entering
temples, fetching water from public wells. They have been living in segregated
neighborhoods. They have been denied economic and political benefits. It is
obvious the caste system has been taking a huge toll on them. It is estimated
that 21 percent of the country's population are Dalits. The government can
neither ignore such a huge population nor has it been able to take any radical
move to integrate this population into the mainstream yet. The discrimination
ranges from food and drink to prohibition on entry into houses, temples and
public places. Dalits also suffer from unfair wage system. There can be no
practice uglier than the caste system, one that continues to oppress a huge
chunk of population. It is high time the government realized this stark reality
and enacted the legislation to put an end to centuries-old caste system
Posted on: 2006-03-07 20:22:44 (Server Time)
* The Social Inclusion Research Fund
established in Nepal includes Dalit theme
research has been included under a Group
Specific Theme for research grants offered by the Social Inclusion
Research Fund. The Fund has been established to address the challenges of
social inclusion/exclusion in Nepal as identified by a study conducted on
social inclusion and nation building. The social inclusion and nation building
that focuses on structural inequalities and their implications for building a
more inclusive groups and civil society organisations to advocate their
interests to influence parts of the research agenda. The Research Fund also
aims to facilitate the dissemination of critical discourses related to the
outcome of the research programmes, as well as allowing for advocacy groups to
use the research results for their own purpose. The research fund is supported
by the Royal Norwegian Embassy and managed by
The Social
Inclusion Research Fund will primarily function as a financing institution
inviting applications and granting support. The fund will operate grants to
achieve the different identified outputs.
Under the Dalit Group Specific Theme, three
categories of the proposals seeking research grants from The Fund are 1. Dalit
skill technologies and their perspectives, 2. Sociological study, and 3.
Religious and cultural problems of Dalits. For more information on components
of the Fund, procedure & guidelines, announcements for grant proposal and
other details, go to:
* Dalit activists thrash out protection and
promotion of Dalit rights with Human Rights Cell of Nepal Police
Cops promise 10 minute time action
On 31st
January 06, a delegation of Dalit activists discussed with the officials of
Human Rights Cell of Nepal Police on the various aspects of the discrimination
against Dalit and how that can be overcome through mutual cooperation. The
outcome of the meeting was very positive as both side agreed to exchange ideas
and experiences and report to the cell any incident of the violation of Dalit
Human Rights and the concerned officials promised to take a necessary action
within 10 minute time. The delegation of five lead by General Secretary of
Dalit NGO Federation Mr. Gajadhar Sunar had a cordial meeting at Nepal Police
headquarters in Naxal Kathmandu. Other members of the team were Mr. Hira
Vishwakarma (Team Leader of DEIP), Mr. Birendra BK (Programme Officer DEIP),
Mr. Chakraman Vishwakarma (General Secretary of DWO) and Mrs. Gomati Sunar
(Advocate, DNF). From the Nepal Police side, the Chief of Human Rights Cell Mr.
Pushkar Karki (Dy. Superintendent of Police), Mr. Sabin Pradhan (Inspector) and
Chief of Central Women and Children Service Centre under Crime Investigation
department Ms. Parvati Thapa (Superintendent of Police) participated in the
discussion. >>> More
Special Focus Report:
(Also appeared in Mulyankan)
* Rajako Shasanma Chhuwachhut [Untouchability
under King's Direct Rule] - An investigative report by Dilip Kumar Nepali
"It is a social tradition; there
exists a social law as well. So, it cannot go away at once. It will go away
This was the reply from the visiting King, when a local dalit activist
Birendra Kumar Nepali appraised him of the outrageous situation of
untouchability in Doti area in the remote Far-West Region. The King was then on
a royal tour to oversee the living conditions of the people in the remote rural
areas of the Region. Earlier, the Government had built separate drinking water
taps for non-dalits and dalits in the area. Non-dalits have well built taps in
the clean spots, while dalits are forced to use taps built in the spots where
trashes and garbages of the locals are dumped. More atrociously, the non-dalit
locals, showing their hatredness to local dalits, have defecated and urinated
on the taps built by the Government for Dalits. As a result, the Dalit women and
children have to go down the hills miles away to fetch water from spring water
spouts- it takes more than half a day for a child to fetch a gallon of water.
On a day, when any of a Dalit family could not head out for fetching water,
borrowing some water (maybe a jug or two) from another neighbour Dalit family
is the only way the family members could quench their thirst for that day. >> Full Report [in
Translation of the fulltext
Nepal's apex court nullifies discriminatory provision for admitting only
Brahmins to publicly funded Tindhara hostel facility
The Supreme Court of Nepal declared the
discriminatory provision of admitting only adult Batuk Brahmins to publicly
funded Tindhara Sanskrit Hostel under Mahendra Sanskrit University as
nullified, declaring it as contravening the provision of equality laid down in
the Constitution of Kingdom of Nepal 1990.
Details in Reports:
The apex
court nullifies discrimination in admission into Tindhara Pathshala hostel [in
Adalat Dwara Sanskrit University Ko Naunma Nirdeshanatmak Adhesh Jari [in
Social Committee of FNCCI commits to be more Inclusive for Dalits
<<< Interaction
Program at FNCCI
An interaction programme between the
Social Committee of Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry
(FNCCI) and Dalit NGO Federation was organized on 23 January 06 to promote the
inclusion of Dalits within the programme and structure of the country's largest
network of industrialists and traders. A total of 31 participants were present
in the programme which had the representation of various officials of different
committees within FNCCI, DNF, DEIP and DWO. A two hour long programme discussed
the various aspects of Dalit inclusion.
Mr. Lok Bikram Thapa, Chairperson of the
Social Committee welcomed the participants and Hira Vishwakarma, Team Leader of
Dalit Empowerment and Inclusion Project (DEIP) highlighted the situation of
Dalits and their deplorable conditions. Since privatization and globalization
has been the prime focus of the liberal democratic governments there are less
and less jobs available in the government sector therefore, there is a need for
private and business sector to be more inclusive. He also distributed to the participants
an article on "Private Sector and Inclusion of Dalits" which indeed
served as the concept paper for the interaction. His deliberation was followed
by an interview of Mr. Rajendra Khetan, the first vice president of FNCCI and
Nepal's leading industrialist on Sahayatra TV programme. In his interview Mr.
Khetan has highlighted the need to be more inclusive for Dalits. He emphasized
that if our immediate neighbor is hungry it should be our responsibility to
feed him. He also informed that in his industry there are about 3% employees
from Dalits and in the future he wants to increase upto 15%.
It was very interesting to note that
within FNCCI there are various committees, projects and programme having
significant number of females either heading the programmes or being
entrepreneurs themselves. All of them appreciated the programme and have
committed that they will look for Dalit candidates for their programmes and
projects they will do in future. They have also requested the Dalit
organizations to supply them lists of Dalits having various skills both
practical and academic qualifications.
Mr. Jagmahendra Goyal from Nepal Rastriya
Marwari Parisad stated that members of Marwari community in Nepal do know very
little about Dalits and non-Dalits as they hardly care whether the person they
are employing is a Dalit or non-Dalit. He expressed his commitment that he is
ready to organize a similar interaction between the members of the central
committees and Dalit organizations so that both can mutually benefit.
Mr. Bibekman Karmacharya from Bhaktapur
district FNCCI emphasized the need of organizing such programmes at the
district level so that the officials and representatives of the business sector
will be more sensitized and plan programmes to benefit Dalits living in those
districts and he is ready to start such initiative in his district. He stated
that many Dalits are artisan and produce many goods and items and may have
problems in marketing in which network like FNCCI could be of help.
Mrs. Shanti Chadda informed that there
are units in 34 districts of Nepal which aim to empower women through
enterprise development and they are very much willing to include Dalit women.
Dalit organizations need to supply the list of women who want to benefit from
their programmes.
Mr. Dhrubaraj Joshi from Cottage and
small industries department informed that Nepal Hastakala Udhyog Sangh is the
umbrella organization of 42 handicraft producing industries and can be of
resources to Dalit organizations who want to engage in the handicraft business.
His organization can market the product produced by Dalit enterpreneurs,
provide trainings to enhance skills and so on.
Ms. Hema KC from MEDEP of UNDP emphasized
the urgency from the side of FNCCI to start inclusion of Dalits. She stated
that we have already crossed a stage of asking whether to adopt inclusion or
not, and such programmes should have been organized not in the initiation of
DNF/DEIP but in the initiation of FNCCI itself.
Mr. Gajadhar Sunar, General Secretary of
DNF thanked all the participants and FNCCI on behalf of DNF and reiterated the
need of having such interactions more in the future. Mr. Lokbikram Thapa, the
convenor of the interaction concluded the programme with a note that this was
just the beginning and his committee will organize more programme with
increased solidarity with the Dalit organizations and inclusion within FNCCI.
Report by Hira Vishwakarma
* A
Delegation of Nepal’s Dalit Movement Meets Indian
A delegation lead by Mr. Omprakash Ramdam Vishwakarma, the President of Nepal India Dalit Friendship Association, had a cordial and friendly
meeting with His Excellency Mr. Shivshankar Mukharjee, the Ambassador of India at his office today at
After a brief introduction of the delegation, a special letter (the text of the
letter is given below) was read and presented to the Ambassador followed by
about 20 minutes of discussion about the contemporary issues and problems of
Dalits of Nepal. Ambassador has promised the members of the delegation that he
would respond to the request made within a week time. He assured, he is very
much positive about the problems and issues of Dalits, and Indian embassy
through its project can consider for their benefit. He further reiterated that
a project that would benefit Dalits living in villages can be submitted to the
Embassy, and without any delay such projects can be considered by his office.
He was informed that about 35 years ago, Nepalese Dalits were benefiting from
the scholarships provided by Government of
It was a pity for all of those engaged in the Dalit
movement for not having been able to draw the adequate attention of Indian
Government through the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu so
far for long time. The meeting of the delegation today, it is hoped, will prove
to be a milestone in this regard. There is a great need from all from the side
of Dalit Movement of Nepal to follow this up
continuously. Special thanks go to Mr. Omprakash Ramdam for his tireless efforts to materialize this
initiation. [Report contributed by Hira Vishwakarma,
The Text of the letter
presented to Indian Ambassador
Excellency Shivshankar Mukharjee
Indian Ambassador to
Indian Embassy
Subject: Dalit agenda of
It is our great pleasure to note that
about 3 decades ago Indian embassy used to provide scholarship to Nepalese
Dalits to acquire college education in
We very much look forward to your
audience and with warm anticipation I remain.
Yours sincerely,